I don't think you ever get used to the feelings you get from a sample sale. There was a shoes and handbag sale today. Normally, I would just be excited, but last night and today I was actually nervous, stressed, anxious! Why was I suffering like this? Because they tortured us! Yesterday, we had to set up the sale. Pairing shoes worth hundreds of dollars and placing beautiful leather bags on tables is not fun when you know that there is a chance the vultures will pick up these treats before you. I was expecting them to let us put aside our favorite bags and pay for them the next day, but that was not the case.
I had two favorite bags. All night I thought about them. The next morning, I was so anxious to get there, but no other interns would leave right away. So, I waited trying to pretend I wasn't as anxious as I was. We finally got there, and were among the first to arrive. I grabbed the two bags that I dreamt about the night before and my stress level dropped dramatically. I proceeded to find three more bags and two wallets, all for the price of less than one bag. Within a half hour all the bags were gone.
I have a serious problem.
oooh I want to see pictures of your beautiful bags!! <3