Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Jim Denevan makes temporary drawings on sand
earth and ice that are eventually erased by waves and weather."

There is something almost romantic about fleeting beauty.

This blog is the essence of New York City

New York has taught me how to find inspiration in everything I see and experience. As a result, I am going to use this blog to document inspiring moments that I have leading up to my return to the city. These next few months will be filled with opportunities, including the Fashion Merchandising Society, my last semester as a college student, Washington DC trips, the Fall and Winter, and networking 'til I get a job!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The people I meet inspire me...

As I complete my two months of NYC living, I realize why I can't leave. Sitting in Think Coffee on Mercer Street, I am surrounded by people of amazing backgrounds, thoughts, and ideas. Do I know them personally? No. However, this summer every person that I have met is either trying to achieve a dream or is living their dream. This is incredibly intoxicating. I feel that in these few short weeks, I have been inspired by the people here to become an interesting person, someone who people want to learn about. Below I credit a few of the people that have instilled a spark in me to dream and discover.

~Editors at Seventeen
~Rogan employees with their interests in styling, designing, photography, and forward thinking
~DJs that accept my song requests
~Bouncers that smile
~Cab drivers that have conversations with you
~Skaters with no fears
~Aspiring performers
~Casting agents
~Polaroid photographers
~Interns that work for free
~Girls in hats, sky high heels and bright colors
~Boys in capris, skinny jeans and big glasses
~Street Dancers
Be interested and you will become interesting.